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Operations Management

Management of real estate development project is a continuous chain of processes; the simultaneous and consistent flow ensures the final success. The weakness of any link in this chain can make the whole project unprofitable.


It is unknown to the novice developer, while perfectly known for the experienced ones that managing a development project consists of many interdepended processes.


Consistently or chaotically implementation of the project mostly depends on whether the information is exchanged in a timely and efficient manner between the architect and the constructor, the legal department and the municipal bodies, the sales and the accounting departments.


Chaotic communication can cause critical problems. For example, the final building may not be the same as the original project, there might be difference between the floor plans and the delivered apartment itself, which will lead to customer frustration, financial or legal disputes, and significant damage to the company's image, which any developer would be happy to avoid.


The unique approaches of the "DS - Development Services" team ensure the most efficient and rapid exchange of precise information, the correct selection of subcontractors, and detailed reporting to the customer.

What we offer:


• Define several project development scenarios, financial planning, budgeting, and analysis

• ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment) analysis

• Financial and cost reporting and debtor control

• Tendering the constructor and construction supervision

• Legal services for a potential buyer

• Contract creation to avoid all possible risks

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